We had our first EMR's to OMOP technical meeting today with colleagues from Queensland and NSW.
We had demonstration of the OMOP ETL tool https://www.omop.link and a demonstration of Atlas.
EMR's to OMOP is ARDC funded project that runs from 2021 - 2023. https://ardc.edu.au/project/electronic-medical-records-as-a-national-d...
We had our first EMR's to OMOP technical meeting today with colleagues from Queensland and NSW.
We had demonstration of the OMOP ETL tool https://www.omop.link and a demonstration of Atlas.
Congratulations to our colleagues in UNSW on the publication of their paper on conversion methods for OMOP.
"Extract, Transform, Load Framework for the Conversion of Health Databases to OMOP"
We are advancing work with two centres in Victoria and Queensland. Atlas is being set up in each centre with Synthetic CDM data to get researchers familiar with the structure of OMOP. All those R skills are going to come in handy!